
interactive AI-based Projection


My Role

  • Implementation of language interaction and processing with OpenAI-API
  • Implementation of image generation with Automatic1111 and various StableDiffusion models
  • Implementation of a particle animation from the generated images with Touchdesigner
  • Development of the program to automate all software modules and the sound with Touchdesigner
  • Planning and implementation of the voice input station


Project Description

Wunsch-Werke brings image-generating AI technology to a hands-on experience through playful experimentation. Although there is a lot of talk about AI, many people have no direct experience of it, which can lead to unrealistic expectations or fears. Animations, a playful sound design and voice interaction enable low-threshold experimentation with imaging AI. Visitors can simply speak their wishes and observe how these are translated into images. The aim is to encourage visitors to engage with their own ideas about AI systems. Wunsch-Werke was created with Hadihopsasa and was exhibited at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften and two Kulturläden in Nuremberg.


Have a look at a few images from the exhibitions at Lange Nacht der wissenschaften and Kulturladen Loni-Übler-Haus as well as südPunkt.

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